vendredi, juin 01, 2012

Embracing Truth: Homosexuality & Word of God

Homosexuality and the Word of God
edited by David W Torrance and Jock Stein

Published by Handsel Press

Synopsis can be downloaded (pdf) HERE

Extracts can be downloaded (pdf) HERE

Study guide can be downloaded (pdf) HERE

Read full epilogue article: "Drawing a Line in Shifting Sands" HERE here

"Embracing Truth: Homosexuality and the Word of God is a Handsel Press publication of commissioned articles by 14 different authors (Presbyterian, Anglican, Lutheran and Roman Catholic) from Scotland, England and America, covering a wide range of issues concerning same-sex relationships written from a moderate traditionalist stance." 

"Tha Embracing Truth: Homosexuality and the Word of God foillsichte le Handsel Press. Tha feise cho-sheòrsach air a cur fo cheist bho sheasamh thradiseanta mheasarra, ann an aistidhean a chaidh a choimiseanadh bho 14 diofar ùghdaran (Clèireach, Anglacanach, Liùtarach, is Caitligeach) às Alba, Sasainn, agus Ameireaga." 
A Key contributor to the above "Embracing Truth" compilation of essays was  Dr Robert A. J. Gagnon, Associate Professor of New Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Dr Gagnon is certainly no ivory tower recluse, but very culturally engaged, as can be seen from his website HERE

Dr Gagnon's book The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics (Nashville: Abingdon, 2001) is widely considered to be the definitive Biblical analysis of the subject. 
J.I. Packer says:
"I do not, however, know how any reasonable person could read Robert A. J. Gagnon's 500-page book, The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics (Abingdon, 2001), and not conclude that any exegesis evading the clear meaning of Paul is evasive indeed. Nor from now on can I regard anyone as qualified to debate homosexuality who has not come to terms with Gagnon's encyclopaedic examination of all the relevant passages and all the exegetical hypotheses concerning them." (J.I. Packer, Why I Walked pdf)
